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Name: Pantydraco
Pronounced: Pan-tee-dray-co
Meaning: Panty dragon
Type: Euornithopod
Length: 3 meters long
Diet: Omnivore
Period: Late Triassic
Years: 209 - 201 million years ago
Location: United Kingdom
Description: Pantydraco (where 'panty-' is short for Pant-y-ffynnon, signifying hollow of the spring/well in Welsh, referring to the quarry at Bonvilston in South Wales where it was found) was a genus of basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Late Triassic of the United Kingdom (Wales). It is based on a partial juvenile skeleton once thought to belong to Thecodontosaurus. Only one valid species of Pantydraco is recognised: P. caducus
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