
Name: Pisanosaurus
Pronounced: Pie-san-o-sore-us
Meaning: Pisano's lizard
Type: Euornithopod
Length: 1 meters long
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Late Triassic
Years: 228 - 216 million years ago
Location: Argentina
Description: Pisanosaurus is a genus of small, herbivorous dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina during the Late Triassic period, around 210 million years ago. It was one of the earliest dinosaurs known to have existed, and belongs to a group called the silesaurids, which are considered to be the closest relatives of true dinosaurs. Pisanosaurus was a small, bipedal animal that measured around 1 meter (3.3 feet) in length and weighed around 5 kg (11 lbs). It had a long, slender neck and a small, triangular head with large, forward-facing eyes and a beak-like snout. Its body was covered in small, overlapping scales, and it had long, slender arms and legs with three toes on each foot. Pisanosaurus is known from a single, nearly complete fossil specimen that was found in Argentina in the early 20th century. It is an important specimen in the study of the early evolution of dinosaurs and their relatives.
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