
Name: Thecodontosaurus
Pronounced: Thee-co-don-toe-sore-us
Meaning: Socket toothed lizard
Type: Sauropod
Length: 1.2 - 2.5 meters long
Diet: Omnivore
Period: Late Triassic
Years: 227-205 million years ago
Location: United Kingdom, France
Description: Thecodontosaurus is a genus of small, early ornithischian dinosaur that lived in what is now the Late Triassic period, around 215 to 205 million years ago. It is known from fossil remains found in England and France. Thecodontosaurus was a small, agile dinosaur, with a length of about 2 meters (6.5 feet) and a weight of around 40 kilograms (88 pounds). It had a small head with a long, narrow snout, and its teeth were adapted for grinding plant material. It had a heavily built body, with thick, stocky limbs and five-toed feet. Thecodontosaurus is thought to have been an herbivore, feeding on ferns and other low-lying plants. It is believed to have lived in small herds, moving around in search of food. Despite its small size and herbivorous diet, Thecodontosaurus may have been preyed upon by larger carnivorous dinosaurs such as Coelophysis and Eoraptor.
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