
Name: Rugops
Pronounced: roo-gops
Meaning: wrinkle face
Type: Large Theropod
Length: 7m
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 95 million years ago
Location: Niger
Description: Rugops is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period, about 130-125 million years ago. It was a medium-sized carnivore, measuring around 6-7 meters (20-23 feet) long. Its remains have been found in Niger, Africa. Rugops had a short, triangular snout and a large, powerful jaw, with sharp, serrated teeth that it used to tear into its prey. It had a relatively small brain, but its eyes were large and positioned on the sides of its head, giving it good vision for hunting. Its body was supported by sturdy, muscular legs, and it had long, sharp claws on its hands and feet. Rugops was a member of the Abelisauridae family of dinosaurs, which includes other carnivorous species such as Carnotaurus and Majungasaurus. It is thought to have lived in a semi-arid environment, hunting smaller prey and possibly scavenging for larger animals as well.
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