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AchillobatorSound Icon

Name: Achillobator

Pronounced: Ah-kill-oh-bate-or Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Achilles hero

Type: Large Theropod

Length: 6 Meters

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Late Cretaceous

Years: 99 - 84 million years ago

Location: Mongolia

Description: Achillobator is a genus of dromaeosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 95-90 million years ago. It was a medium to large-sized carnivore, with an estimated length of about 26 feet and a weight of about 1 ton. Achillobator had a long, narrow skull with sharp teeth, and a pair of large, curved claws on its second toes, which it probably used for hunting and climbing. It also had feathers on its body, which may have been used for insulation, display, or both. Achillobator was discovered in Mongolia in the 1990s, and was named by paleontologists in 1998. It is considered a relatively advanced dromaeosaurid, and is thought to be closely related to other dromaeosaurids such as Velociraptor and Deinonychus. Achillobator is known from a number of well-preserved fossil specimens, including several partial skeletons and skulls, which have helped paleontologists learn more about the anatomy and behavior of this dinosaur.

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