
Name: Abelisaurus
Pronounced: ah-BEEL-ee-sore-us
Meaning: Abel's lizard
Type: Large Theropod
Length: 9 Meters
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 74 - 70 million years ago
Location: Argentina
Description: Abelisaurus is a genus of abelisaurid theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 74-70 million years ago. It was a small to medium-sized carnivore, with an estimated length of about 26 feet and a weight of about 1 ton. Abelisaurus had a long neck, a small head with sharp teeth, and strong, muscular legs with large claws. Its body was covered in a layer of feathers, which would have helped it regulate its body temperature and possibly used for display. Abelisaurus was discovered in Argentina in the 1980s, and was named by paleontologists in 1986. It is known from a single, relatively complete skull and some fragmentary skeletal remains. Despite this, Abelisaurus has been the subject of much scientific study, as it is an important representative of the abelisaurid group of theropod dinosaurs, which includes some of the most fearsome predators of the Late Cretaceous Period.
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