
Name: Nigersaurus
Pronounced: nee-zhayr-sore-us
Meaning: Niger lizard
Type: Sauropod
Length: 15m
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Early Cretaceous
Years: 121 - 99 million years ago
Location: Niger, Algeria, Tunisia
Description: Nigersaurus was a herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived during the middle Jurassic period, about 110-100 million years ago. It was a relatively small sauropod, with an estimated length of about 25 feet and a weight of about 2-3 tons. It was characterized by its elongated skull, which had numerous small, closely spaced teeth that were adapted for grinding tough plant material. Nigersaurus had a relatively short neck and a long, flexible tail, which it may have used to balance itself while feeding. It lived in what is now modern-day Niger, Africa, and its fossils have been found in the Sahara Desert.
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