
Name: Struthiomimus
Pronounced: ST-ruth-ee-om-eem-us
Meaning: Ostrich mimic
Type: Sauropod
Length: 4.3 meters long
Diet: Omnivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 76-74 million years ago
Location: Canada, USA
Description: Struthiomimus is a genus of ornithomimid dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Late Cretaceous period, about 75-71 million years ago. It was a small, lightly built dinosaur with long, slender legs and a long, flexible neck. It had a small head with large eyes, a beak-like snout, and tiny, toothless jaws. It is thought to have been an omnivore, feeding on a variety of plants and possibly small animals. Struthiomimus is known from several well-preserved skeletons, which have helped paleontologists understand the anatomy and lifestyle of this dinosaur.
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