
Name: Neovenator
Pronounced: nee-oh-ve-nay-tor
Meaning: new hunter
Type: Large Theropod
Length: 7.4m
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Early Cretaceous
Years: 127 - 121 million years ago
Location: United Kingdom
Description: Neovenator is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period, about 125 million years ago. It was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived in what is now England. It was a member of the Allosauroidea, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs that were closely related to Allosaurus. Neovenator had a long, low skull with sharp teeth and powerful jaws, and it had long, sturdy legs and a long tail for balance. It was likely a fast runner and an agile hunter, and it probably preyed on other dinosaurs such as sauropods and ornithopods. Despite its large size and predatory behavior, Neovenator was likely an intelligent dinosaur, with a brain that was relatively large compared to its body size.
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