
Name: Yunnanosaurus
Pronounced: Yun-nan-o-sore-us
Meaning: Yunnan Province
Type: Sauropod
Length: 7 meters long
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Early Jurassic
Years: 205-190 million years ago
Location: China
Description: Yunnanosaurus is a genus of small herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Early Jurassic period, approximately 200 million years ago. It was discovered in the Yunnan province of China, hence its name. Yunnanosaurus is known from several well-preserved specimens, including a complete skull and partial skeleton. It is classified as a basal sauropodomorph, a group of early saurischian dinosaurs that are thought to be closely related to the ancestors of sauropods, the largest group of dinosaurs that ever lived. Yunnanosaurus had a long neck and a small head, with long, slender legs and a long, slender tail. It was likely a herbivore that fed on plants, using its small, peg-like teeth to strip leaves from branches. Yunnanosaurus would have been a small animal, measuring only about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in length and weighing less than 50 kilograms (110 pounds). It is thought to have lived in a humid, tropical environment, possibly near water sources such as rivers and lakes.
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