
Name: Yangchuanosaurus
Pronounced: Yang-chwan-oh-sore-us
Meaning: Yangchuan lizard
Type: Large Theropod
Length: 10 meters long
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Late Jurassic
Years: 160-144 million years ago
Location: China
Description: Yangchuanosaurus was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period in what is now China. It was a theropod, a type of dinosaur characterized by long legs and sharp teeth, and likely preyed on other dinosaurs. Yangchuanosaurus had a relatively short head with large, sharp teeth, and a long, heavy tail that it may have used for balance while hunting. It also had small, two-fingered arms with claws, which may have been used to grasp prey. Scientists believe that Yangchuanosaurus was closely related to the North American Allosaurus, and that it may have shared similar ecological roles in its habitat.
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