
Name: Syntarsus
Pronounced: sin-tar-sus
Meaning: Fused tarsus
Type: Small Theropod
Length: 2.15 meters long
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Late Triassic
Years: 205-190 million years ago
Location: South Africa, USA, Zimbabwe
Description: Syntarsus, also known as Coppens spoof, was a small to medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period in what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and possibly Oklahoma in the United States. It was a member of the Coppens spoof group, which includes several other genera of small, lightly-built carnivorous dinosaurs. Syntarsus was about 2-3 meters long and likely weighed between 20-30 kg. It had a slender build, with long, slender legs and a long, flexible neck. It had a small head with sharp, serrated teeth, and its arms were short but had three fingers with sharp claws. Syntarsus probably hunted small animals and insects, and may have been an opportunistic scavenger as well.
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