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StaurikosaurusSound Icon

Name: Staurikosaurus

Pronounced: stor-ik-oh-sore-us Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Southern Cross lizard

Type: Large Theropod

Length: 2 - 2.5 Meters Long

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Late Triassic

Years: 227 - 221 million years ago

Location: Brazil

Description: Staurikosaurus is a small, primitive dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period, around 231 million years ago. It was a member of the saurischian (lizard-hipped) group of dinosaurs, which includes the sauropods and theropods. Staurikosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur, likely feeding on small animals and insects. It had a relatively small head with sharp, serrated teeth, and long, thin legs for running and chasing prey. It is known from a single specimen found in Brazil, which consists of a partial skull, lower jaw, and some vertebrae. Based on this specimen, it is estimated that Staurikosaurus was about 3-4 meters (10-13 feet) long and weighed around 60-70 kilograms (132-154 pounds).

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