
Name: Shunosaurus
Pronounced: Shu-no-sore-us
Meaning: Shu lizard
Type: Sauropod
Length: 9.5 meters long
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Mid Jurassic
Years: 170-160 million years ago
Location: China
Description: Shunosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, approximately 156 to 145 million years ago. It was a herbivorous dinosaur that probably lived in what is now China. Shunosaurus is known for its distinctive long neck, which it used to reach the leaves of tall trees. Its body was relatively small compared to other sauropods, with an estimated length of around 20 feet (6 meters). Shunosaurus had a small head and a long, narrow tail that it may have used for balance while moving. It had four thick, column-like legs and small, clawed feet. It also had a small, triangular crest on its head, which may have been used for display or as a means of communication.
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