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RhabdodonSound Icon

Name: Rhabdodon

Pronounced: Rab-doe-don Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Fluted tooth

Type: Herbivore

Length: 4 - 6 meters long

Diet: HerbivoreHerbivore icon

Period: Late Cretaceous

Years: 76-70 million years ago

Location: Czech Republic, France, Romania and Spain

Description: Rhabdodon is a genus of dinosaurs that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, around 70-65 million years ago. It was a herbivorous dinosaur that belonged to the group of ornithopods, which includes modern-day birds and other plant-eating dinosaurs such as Iguanodon and Hadrosaurus. Rhabdodon was a relatively small dinosaur, with an estimated length of around 5-7 meters (16-23 feet) and a weight of about 1 ton. It had a long, low body with a small head and long neck, and it walked on all fours. Its teeth were adapted for grinding plant material, and it may have lived in herds. Rhabdodon is known from fossils found in Europe, specifically in what is now Romania, France, and Spain.

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