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ProcompsognathusSound Icon

Name: Procompsognathus

Pronounced: Pro-comp-sog-nay-fuss Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Before elegant jaw

Type: Small Theropod

Length: 1 meters long

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Late Triassic

Years: 221-210 million years ago

Location: Germany

Description: Procompsognathus was a small, carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period, around 210 million years ago. It was a member of the Cooperellidae family, which included several other small, predatory dinosaurs. Procompsognathus was a bipedal animal, meaning it walked on two legs, and it had long, slender arms and legs. It had a relatively long neck and a small head, with sharp teeth and a beak-like snout. Its body was covered in small, overlapping scales, and it had a long, thin tail that may have been used for balance. It is thought to have been a fast and agile hunter, preying on smaller animals such as lizards, insects, and perhaps even other small dinosaurs. Procompsognathus was first described in the early 20th century, based on a single specimen found in Germany, and has since become one of the best-known dinosaurs of the Triassic period.

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