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PolacanthusSound Icon

Name: Polacanthus

Pronounced: Po-la-can-thus Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Many Spikes

Type: Armoured Dinosaur

Length: 4 - 5 meters long

Diet: HerbivoreHerbivore icon

Period: Early Cretaceous

Years: 125 million years ago

Location: United Kingdom

Description: Polacanthus is a genus of armored dinosaurs known from the Late Jurassic period of England. It was a member of the family Polacanthidae, which includes armored dinosaurs that were characterized by their bony armor plates and spikes. Polacanthus had a relatively small size, measuring about 6 meters (20 feet) in length and weighing around 1.5 tons. It had a flat, triangular-shaped head with large, forward-facing eyes and a row of bony plates running down its back. The armor plates on its back were long and narrow, and there were also long spikes projecting from its shoulder blades and tail. Its legs were relatively short and powerful, and it probably moved in a quadrupedal manner, using its hind legs to push off the ground while walking. Polacanthus may have fed on a variety of plants, including ferns, cycads, and conifers. It lived in a humid, subtropical environment, which was home to a variety of other dinosaurs, including stegosaurs and sauropods.

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