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PoekilopleuronSound Icon

Name: Poekilopleuron

Pronounced: Poe-ke-lo-plu-ron Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Varied rib

Type: Large Theropod

Length: 9 meters long

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Mid Jurassic

Years: 169-164 million years ago

Location: France

Description: Poekilopleuron is a genus of carnivorous theropod dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period, around 130 million years ago. It was a relatively small dinosaur, with an estimated length of around 2-3 meters (6.5-10 feet). It had a long, slender neck and a relatively small head, with sharp teeth adapted for tearing flesh. Its arms were short and ended in three-fingered hands, and it had long, slender legs and feet with sharp claws. Poekilopleuron was likely a fast and agile predator, stalking and hunting smaller animals. Its remains have been found in France and England.

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