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PodokesaurusSound Icon

Name: Podokesaurus

Pronounced: Poe-doe-key-sore-us Pronounce Icon

Meaning: swift-footed lizard

Type: Small Theropod

Length: 90 cm long

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Mid Jurassic

Years: 195-180 million years ago

Location: USA

Description: Podokesaurus is a genus of small, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period, around 210 million years ago. It is known from a single specimen found in the eastern United States, in the state of Massachusetts. The specimen consists of a partial skeleton, including the hindlimbs, pelvis, and part of the spine. Based on its anatomy, Podokesaurus is thought to have been a bipedal dinosaur, meaning it stood and walked on two legs. It likely had a long, flexible tail that it used for balance as it moved. The size of Podokesaurus is uncertain, as the only known specimen is incomplete, but it is estimated to have been around 1.5 meters (5 feet) long and weighed around 15 kilograms (33 pounds). Like other dinosaurs from the Late Triassic period, Podokesaurus had a number of unique features that set it apart from later dinosaurs. For example, it had a distinctive 'hump' on its back, made up of elongated vertebrae. It also had a number of small, sharp teeth, which suggests that it may have been a picky eater, feeding on small, tough plants rather than larger, softer ones. Despite its small size and relatively unimpressive appearance, Podokesaurus is an important dinosaur because it helps paleontologists understand the evolution and diversity of early dinosaurs.

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