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PelicanimimusSound Icon

Name: Pelicanimimus

Pronounced: pel-e-kan-i-mim-us Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Pelican mimic

Type: Small Theropod

Length: 2 meters long

Diet: CarnivoreCarnivore icon

Period: Early Cretaceous

Years: 127-121 million years ago

Location: Spain

Description: Pelicanimimus is a small, bird-like dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period, about 130-125 million years ago. It was discovered in Spain in the 1990s and is known from a single well-preserved skeleton. Pelicanimimus had a long, slender neck, a small head with long, toothless jaws, and a long, feathered tail. It probably had feathers covering its body as well, though these have not been preserved in the fossil record. The most distinctive feature of Pelicanimimus was the presence of long, pelican-like bills on its jaws, which may have been used to filter small prey from water or to strip leaves from plants. Despite its bird-like appearance, Pelicanimimus was not a true bird, but rather a member of the group of dinosaurs known as theropods, which also includes more familiar species like Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor.

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