
Name: Nipponosaurus
Pronounced: Nip-pon-o-sore-us
Meaning: Japanese lizard
Type: Euornithopod
Length: 4 meters long
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 89-84 million years ago
Location: Russia
Description: Nipponosaurus is a genus of small, herbivorous dinosaur that lived in Japan during the Early Cretaceous period, around 125 million years ago. It was a member of the ornithopod group of dinosaurs, which also included hadrosaurs and iguanodonts. Nipponosaurus had a small head with a long, narrow snout and a row of small, sharp teeth. It had a relatively small body, with four short, sturdy legs and long, thin toes. It is thought to have been a fast runner, and may have used its toes to grasp onto branches while feeding on leaves and other vegetation. Nipponosaurus is known from a single, fragmentary skeleton that was found in the Kitadani Formation of Fukui Prefecture, Japan.
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