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LeptoceratopsSound Icon

Name: Leptoceratops

Pronounced: Lep-toe-ser-ah-tops Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Small horned face

Type: Ceratopsian

Length: 2 - 3 meters long

Diet: HerbivoreHerbivore icon

Period: Late Cretaceous

Years: 67-65 million years ago

Location: Canada, USA

Description: Leptoceratops was a small, plant-eating ceratopsian dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period, around 70-65 million years ago. It had a small, triangular frill on the back of its skull, and a relatively short, narrow snout compared to other ceratopsians. Its most distinctive feature was a pair of long, thin horn-like structures on its forehead, which may have been used for display or defense. Leptoceratops was likely a fast-moving, agile dinosaur that lived in herds, and it may have used its horns to defend against predators. It was about 6-8 feet (2-2.5 meters) long and weighed around 100-200 pounds (45-90 kg).

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