
Name: Kentrosaurus
Pronounced: ken-TROH-sore-us
Meaning: spiky lizard
Type: Armoured Dinosaur
Length: 5m
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Late Jurassic
Years: 155 - 150 million years ago
Location: Tanzania
Description: Kentrosaurus was a small to medium-sized stegosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, about 156-144 million years ago. It was characterized by its short, stocky build, with a body length of about 5-6 meters and a weight of around 1 ton. It had a small head with a narrow snout and large, sharp teeth, suitable for biting off tough plant material. The most distinctive feature of Kentrosaurus was its rows of long, spiky plates running down its back and tail, which were likely used for defense against predators. It also had four short, sturdy legs with hoofed toes and a pair of long, sharp spikes on its tail. Kentrosaurus lived in what is now Africa and is known from fossil remains found in Tanzania and Tanzania.
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