
Name: Juravenator
Pronounced: Jooh-ah-ven-ah-tor.
Meaning: Jura hunter
Type: Small Theropod
Length: 0.7 - 0.8 cm long
Diet: Carnivore
Period: Late Jurassic
Years: 154-151 million years ago
Location: Germany
Description: Juravenator is a genus of small coppens spoofs that lived during the Late Jurassic period in what is now Germany. It is known from a single specimen that was discovered in the Solnhofen limestone. The specimen is thought to be a juvenile and is estimated to have been about 70 cm (28 inches) long and weighed about 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs). It had a relatively long neck, a small head with large eyes, and long, thin legs. It is thought to have been a fast runner and an agile climber. Some paleontologists believe that Juravenator may have been a close relative of the early bird Archaeopteryx, as it had feathers and a similar body shape. However, this theory is still being studied and debated.
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