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HesperosaurusSound Icon

Name: Hesperosaurus

Pronounced: Hes-per-o-sore-us Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Western lizard

Type: Armoured Dinosaur

Length: 6 meters long

Diet: HerbivoreHerbivore icon

Period: Late Jurassic

Years: 154-142 million years ago

Location: USA

Description: Hesperosaurus is a genus of small, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 150 million years ago. It was a member of the ornithopod group, which includes dinosaurs such as Iguanodon and Hadrosaurus. Hesperosaurus was a small, agile dinosaur that stood on two legs and had a long, flexible neck. It had a small head with a beak-like snout and sharp teeth that were adapted for grinding plant material. Its arms were relatively short, with three fingers on each hand, and it had a long, robust tail that it may have used for balance while moving. Its body was covered in a thin layer of scales, and it may have had small feathers on its arms and tail. Hesperosaurus was a herbivore that likely fed on a wide variety of plant materials, including leaves, stems, and flowers. It lived in a variety of environments, including forests and wetlands, and may have traveled in herds for protection. Despite its small size, Hesperosaurus was a successful and widespread species that is known from fossil specimens found in North America and Europe.

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