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HarpymimusSound Icon

Name: Harpymimus

Pronounced: Har-pee-mie-mus Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Harpy mimic

Type: Small Theropod

Length: 2 meters long

Diet: OmnivoreOmnivore icon

Period: Early Cretaceous

Years: 121-99 million years ago

Location: Mongolia

Description: Harpymimus is a genus of dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period, around 130-120 million years ago. It was a small, bird-like theropod dinosaur, meaning that it was a carnivorous dinosaur that walked on two legs. It was likely a fast runner and had sharp claws and teeth, which it may have used to catch and eat small prey such as lizards, insects, and other small animals. Harpymimus was a member of the Maniraptora group, a group of dinosaurs that includes modern birds and their closest extinct relatives. It had long, slender arms with three fingers on each hand, which may have been used to grasp and hold onto prey. It also had a long, flexible tail that may have helped it balance while running. Its body was covered in feathers, which may have provided insulation and helped it regulate its body temperature. It was a relatively small dinosaur, with an estimated length of around 6-8 feet (2-2.5 meters) and a weight of around 50-100 pounds (20-45 kg).

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