
Name: Hadrosaurus
Pronounced: HAD-row-SORE-us
Meaning: Big lizard
Type: Euornithopod
Length: 9m
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 78 - 74 million years ago
Location: USA
Description: Hadrosaurus is a genus of duck-billed dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 70 million years ago. It was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived in what is now North America. Hadrosaurus was a large dinosaur, with an estimated length of about 9-10 meters (30-33 feet) and a weight of around 2.5-3 tons. It had a long, low skull with a distinctive 'duck-bill' shape, and a toothless beak that was used to slice off plants. It had a row of small, sharp teeth in the back of its mouth that were used to grind up its food. Hadrosaurus had a long, flexible neck and a sturdy, muscular body that was supported by four sturdy legs. It had a short, stout tail that was used for balance, and it walked on its hind legs. Hadrosaurus is known from several well-preserved fossil specimens that were found in New Jersey, United States. These specimens include complete skeletons, which have allowed scientists to study the anatomy of this dinosaur in detail. Based on its anatomy, it is thought to have been a slow-moving, heavily-built dinosaur that lived in herds and fed on a diet of plants. Hadrosaurus is important because it is one of the first dinosaurs to be described in scientific literature, and it was the first dinosaur to be identified as a herbivore. It is also one of the most complete dinosaur skeletons ever found, and has helped scientists to understand the anatomy and behavior of these animals.
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