
Name: Corythosaurus
Pronounced: koh-rith-OH-sore-us
Meaning: Corinthian helmet lizard
Type: Euornithopod
Length: 9-10m
Diet: Herbivore
Period: Late Cretaceous
Years: 76 - 74 million years ago
Location: Canada, USA
Description: Corythosaurus is a genus of large, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 80-75 million years ago. It was a member of the group of dinosaurs called the hadrosaurids, also known as 'duck-billed dinosaurs,' which were characterized by their distinctive head crests and long, flat snouts. Corythosaurus was a large, bulky dinosaur, with an estimated length of about 30-40 feet and a weight of up to 6 tons. It had a long, narrow head with a prominent, bony crest on its head that was shaped like a Corinthian helmet, as well as a long, narrow snout with hundreds of small, peg-like teeth. Its body was supported by four sturdy legs, and it had a long, thick tail for balance. Corythosaurus is known from a number of well-preserved fossil specimens, including several complete skeletons and skulls, which have helped paleontologists learn more about the anatomy and behavior of this dinosaur. It is known from North America, and is named after the Greek words 'korythos,' meaning 'helmet,' and 'sauros,' meaning 'lizard,' in reference to its distinctive head crest. Corythosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur, feeding on a variety of plant matter including leaves, stems, and seeds. It is thought to have used its long, flat snout to sweep through vegetation, and its peg-like teeth to grind up tough plant material. It is considered a advanced hadrosaurid, and is thought to be closely related to other members of this group such as Edmontosaurus and Lambeosaurus.
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