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BrachylophosaurusSound Icon

Name: Brachylophosaurus

Pronounced: Brak-e-loe-foe-sore-us Pronounce Icon

Meaning: Short crested lizard

Type: Euornithopod

Length: 7-9 meters long

Diet: HerbivoreHerbivore icon

Period: Late Cretaceous

Years: 89-88 million years ago

Location: Canada

Description: Brachylophosaurus is a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 77-75 million years ago. It was a large, herbivorous dinosaur, with an estimated length of about 33-36 feet and a weight of about 4-5 tons. Brachylophosaurus had a long, narrow head with a distinctive, curved crest on the top of its snout. It also had a large, fleshy beak and a series of small, peg-like teeth, which it used to grind up plant material. Brachylophosaurus had a sturdy, quadrupedal build, with four sturdy legs and a long, heavy tail. Its body was probably covered in a layer of scaly skin and may have had some areas of bony armor. Brachylophosaurus was discovered in Montana in the 1980s, and was named by paleontologists in 1992. It is considered a member of the hadrosaurid group of dinosaurs, also known as 'duck-billed' dinosaurs, which also includes species such as Edmontosaurus and Maiasaura. Brachylophosaurus is known from a number of well-preserved fossil specimens, including several partial skeletons and skulls, which have helped paleontologists learn more about the anatomy and behavior of this dinosaur. It is thought to be closely related to other hadrosaurids such as Kritosaurus and Lambeosaurus.

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